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The BEST Business in the WORLD: TEAM-If you're looking to make extra $$$ let me know and I'd be happy to give you more information!

My fave search engine: Yahoo-Make sure and download Yahoo Pager. It's a great way to talk to your friends.

Other good search engines are:
MSN - Grab a hotmail account while you're there, it's FREE!

AOL- Oh, don't forget to download the newest version of AOL's Instant Messenger while you're's so cool!

Need an Mp3 Player? Well then go to: This player ROCKS!

If you need to download ANYTHING has it ALL so take a look!

Like to be amused? Then these sites are for you! Has some really funny stuff to entertain the simple minded people of the world, like me! :-)

Want some cool, but REALLY UGLY boxers? Then check out: -These are some "unique" boxers baby!

Ebay - If you're looking for something, EBAY is bound to have it...and at a good price too. So place your bids!!

For Great Movie Info check out:
IMDB - They got info on the newest movies and also theatre showings and times!

Wanna earn FREE STUFF? Then you HAVE to check these sites out!

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